New to CT2T: The Wellness Centre?...
If you are just not sure whether starting with counselling OR an assessment is right for your child, schedule a FREE 15-minute confidential discovery call with one of our psychologists. We can briefly discuss your needs and questions to determine how best to proceed.
Click below to select the date/time most convenient for you on a Tuesday or Thursday. If you cannot find a time available that works for your schedule, please email us at info@caribtots2teens.com and we will find a time that works.
If you already know what service you need and you are ready to book your appointment CALL 876-978-8535 or contact our eDesk by WhatsApp 876-499-0574 and we will get you started right away!
New to CT2T: Surgery and Diagnostics ?...
Contact the Surgery Desk by Call or Whatsapp 876-482-4766 to make an appointment for your consultation with Dr. Jackson.
If you have a referral letter please upload it with your registration form.
Also, please upload a copy of all results that may be relevant to your child’s initial assessment and care plan. This will allow Dr. J to better prepare for your visit.
Thank you!
Need to reschedule your appointment?
Contact CT2T: The Wellness Centre by WhatsApp at 876-499-0574 or by email at info@caribtots2teens.com
Contact The Surgery Desk by WhatsApp at 876-482-4766 or by email at surgerydesk@caribtots2teens.com
Our Blog
Schoolers’ COVID-19 Checklist
Here is a list of precautions geared towards protecting children going back...
Maintaining a Healthy Balance During COVID-19
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 parents, guardians and children are now...
Coping with the Stress of COVID-19
Young children often react to their environment. As a result, they might...
Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
Many families are looking for ideas on how they can improve their family’s...
Managing Grief – by Janelle Reid
Grief is a natural response to loss, yet many of us are at a loss when someone...
Back To School: 4 Tips to Get You Ready | Dr. Shauna Miller
It’s that time of year when we consult school lists and rush around trying...