10 Reasons Why I Will continue to give My Children Handheld Devices
Last week we published the link and a short commentary based on the Huffington Post article: 1o Reasons Why Handheld Devices should be banned from children under the Age of 12. This week we are delighted to share with you a response to that same article published by blogger Hipmombrarian: mother of two girls and a librarian.
We certainly appreciate the fact that girls hardly enter technological fields. This is quite marked in the Caribbean Region. Does this trend start from as young as under 12 years? Could the young child who isn’t using technology often be … left behind?
Everything in moderation! Please tell us your thoughts after you have enjoyed the other side of the tech coin: 10 Reasons Why I Will continue to give My Children Handheld Devices.
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Jamaica is overwhelmed by children’s advocates who really cares about the health of our children. I appreciate professionals who makes the time to speak for them and where possible to them. Many adults owe successful lives, today, to people who connected with them in their childhood and adolescence.
Thank you Rev! 🙂 We agree: There are MANY MANY good people doing good things in Jamaica. We salute them all.