World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse (2019)
On November 19th, The Caribbean Tots to Teens team attended the Child Rights Village and launch of National Plan of Action for an Integrated Response to Children and Violence (NPACV) organized by the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund Jamaica (UNICEF).
Observing World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse, various stakeholders of child wellness in Jamaica were invited to set up booths around Emancipation Park to support the cause and promote their services to the general public. We were very excited to participate in this event and would like to thank CPFSA once again for having us. Child Wellness is and always will be our biggest priority at Caribbean Tots to Teens – events like this promote the importance of child wellness to the development of a better Jamaica.
#ProtekWiPickneyDem #WorldDayforthePreventionofChildAbuse #ACEsJA