Tragedy Strikes! at school – with Marie Reynolds
Shooting on the School Compound
Violent Death of a Classmate
Unexpected Tragic Loss of a Teacher’s Life
Students in the the Caribbean today face a remarkable overdose of tragedy close to home. We sat with Marie Reynolds, pediatric psychotherapist to understand more about how these events can impact children and what we as adults can do to help.
This 7 minute video is a guide to how you as the adult caring for such a child may find help and tools to help your child recover.

- image from
Back to school is here! I am encouraging kids at all levels to set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the up-coming academic term! You can get the results you want as long as you keep your mind’s focus on what you want to achieve.Make your academic goals as specific as possible, also make them measurable (determine for yourself how you will know when you’ve achieved EXACTLY what you want!).
Importantly, write down your goal in a way that makes it ‘as if…NOW’. Don’t phrase your goals as an arbitrary wishful thought that may or may not be achieved at some eventual point in the future. Instead, make it real and as if it’s right now. You can do that by filling it with strong visuals, sounds and feelings that make the experience as though it’s happening at this very moment for you!
You do need to make sure that whatever goals you set are realistic and can be achieved in the time frame you set and with the resources you have available to you. Finally, ensure that you anchor whatever goal you make in a timeline with a specific time attached for obtaining your goal. So let’s try out an example of setting a S.M.A.R.T. academic goal:
“It is December 2014 and I have just received my end of term report from the office, I feel amazing because I have obtained an average of 90% on my report. (You may go ahead and put in specific scores for specific subject areas). I can hear my parents’ congratulations about the great job that I have done and I feel satisfied with my performance. This feels amazing!”
When we make S.M.A.R.T goals and position them at a concrete point in our future we give our minds something specific to focus on and because of the strong sensory energies (visuals, sounds, feelings) that we associate with the goal, we unconsciously are mobilised to do things that are guaranteed to get us what we want.
Just remember….where you put your focus changes EVERYTHING! Have an amazing academic year from Caribbean Tots to Teens!
Matthew McKenzie is a Masters level Clinical Psychologist at Caribbean Tots to Teens. He can be reached at
Learn MoreGirls Day
These are the things that children remember most from their days in school. Great job! Girls (and boys) celebrate your potential! Di you think “Girls day” makes a difference for female students?
Learn More10 Reasons Why I Will continue to give My Children Handheld Devices
Last week we published the link and a short commentary based on the Huffington Post article: 1o Reasons Why Handheld Devices should be banned from children under the Age of 12. This week we are delighted to share with you a response to that same article published by blogger Hipmombrarian: mother of two girls and a librarian.
We certainly appreciate the fact that girls hardly enter technological fields. This is quite marked in the Caribbean Region. Does this trend start from as young as under 12 years? Could the young child who isn’t using technology often be … left behind?
Everything in moderation! Please tell us your thoughts after you have enjoyed the other side of the tech coin: 10 Reasons Why I Will continue to give My Children Handheld Devices.
Learn More10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12
The entire staff of Tots to Teens stands behind the American and Canadian Paediatric Associations in their call for parents and caregivers to consciously monitor children and their exposure to electronic media.
Note well: children under age 2 years should not be exposed to electronic media at all!
Talk to your pediatrician and your family doctor about any concerns you may have.
The consequences of overexposure are real.
Learn MoreParenting a Tweener: A Survival Guide
Early adolescence is a tricky time for parents. Your sweet baby starts testing boundaries and defying rules. Here’s a quick summary of support for you from more4kids.
And remember:
No! You are not going crazy and
Yes! This too shall pass.
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Teacher leads inspiring mission to stop bullying on –
So many good ideas are free! Let’s keep creating and keep sharing. This is such a simple and effective exercise. Check out the link below,
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