LIME drops ‘Potential Kidd’ over offensive lyrics
POWER TO THE PARENTS of JAMAICA! LIME Drops Potential Kidd from school campaign.Thanks to each and everyone who fought this. Your voice and your vigilance made a Change.
LIME drops ‘Potential Kidd’ over offensive lyrics – News – Latest News – Jamaica Gleaner.
In a message posted on its social media pages, LIME said, after analyzing the unedited version of the song, it agreed that the lyrics were unacceptable. “What we would want is for our artistes to express themselves freely but responsibly and we think civil society can play a big role in this regard,” said LIME Jamaica’s Managing Director, Garry Sinclair.
Why would LIME fail to listen to the unedited version BEFORE contracting the entertainers services?
Potential Kidd has reportedly apologized to persons who may have been offended by the lyrics. “I do not support violence against women or homosexuals,” he is quoted as saying in a release from LIME.
…Hmmmm, is THAT right?
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