Treating Depression
Depression is more than just being sad. Depression is a real illness and carries with it a high cost in terms of relationship problems, family suffering and lost work productivity.
People with depression may experience:
A lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities
Significant weight loss or gain
Insomnia or excessive sleeping
Lack of energy
Inability to concentrate
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
Depression is the one of the most common mental disorder. Fortunately, depression is treatable with therapy.
What you can do?
Seek the right kind of social support – social isolation increases the risk of depression.
Exercise helps keep your psyche fit – exercise is an effective, cost-effective treatment for depression and may help in the treatment of other mental disorders.
Getting Help
Depression and How Psychotherapy Can Help People Recover
Depression is a highly treatable with psychotherapy, coping and cognitive-behavioural techniques.
My son is transitioning to the U.S. and he’s having some anxiety
Hello there,
Our website has been down for a while. 🙁 We hope you were able to get some help preparing your son for the move. How is the transition progressing? If you want to talk to one of our counsellors or psychologist, please contact us (we are WhatsApp friendly) at 876-499-0574 and we can arrange for You, Mom to speak with someone from the team re: getting some help. We do online and face-2-face interventions.